The 2024 RMIS Panorama
22 May 2024

AMRAE, in partnership with EY, has published the English version of the RMIS (Risk Management Information Systems) Panorama 2024.
It is an update of the market analysis published in 2023. As a market benchmark, the RMIS Panorama provides useful information for risk managers:
- An analysis of market practices and trends, based on a survey gathering 249 risk managers respondents, in 36 countries, as well as 51 vendors
- 4 experts points of views
- 10 testimonials from Risk Managers sharing their experience of setting up or using a Risk Management Information System (RMIS)
- 58 vendor description sheets have been completely updated since the 2023 edition, including 7 new exclusive sheets (new participants).
This publication is complemented by an online analysis platform which allows you to filter by sector and activity.