Retirement planning

How to use a Retirement Savings strategy to retain your employees and boost your employer appeal

France’s PACTE Law redrew the map of employee savings schemes by launching the PER retirement savings plans. These schemes – the collective PER and the mandatory PER – gave employees a not inconsiderable tax break and income supplement on retiring.

The regulatory context surrounding retirement has changed, creating new expectations among employees. With the collective PER or the mandatory PER, retirement savings become an effective means of attracting and involving employees with a view to retaining them. Drawing on its 30-year-long experience, VERLINGUE has developed expertise in designing and rolling out retirement savings solutions and specific, end-of-career support and guidance for employees over the age of 58. Take advantage of these tailored solutions developed by our experts!

of companies with over 500 employees have set up a supplementary retirement planning scheme (Art. 83/39)
of them have one or more employee savings schemes
3.4 millions
employees had a retirement product within the framework of their company (source: AFG) in March 2022, but there is still considerable room for improvement, given that 51% of French people say they know nothing at all about the PER (retirement savings plan).

Verlingue’s solutions

What does your company stand to gain from a retirement savings plan?

The new regulations are complex, as are the introduction and monitoring of companies’ complementary savings and retirement plans. To derive the full benefit of them in terms of attracting and retaining talents and avoiding tax, companies are strongly advised to seek professional guidance.

Our experts work at your side to audit the systems currently in place in your company, then analyse your needs and those of your employees. This diagnosis is followed by an advisory phase, in which we present to you the strategy best suited to your company and your budget (always in line with the current regulations).

Company retirement planning solutions that are suitable, and clearer and easier for your employees to understand

How can you meet your employees’ needs as best possible while at the same time reconciling their needs with your company’s interests? On your behalf, our experts present the scheme’s advantages to your employees. They inform them and provide the guidance and support they need to understand and come to grips with their retirement savings (guidebooks, webinars and instructions). They are a constant presence to facilitate communication with your workforce and reassure. And an additional asset to attract, involve and retain your employees.

Guidance and support for sound end-of-career arrangements

Our experts have acquired all the know-how necessary to develop a range of services for “afterwards”: from reconstructing career paths to managing the final career stage of employees over 58, Verlingue provides an exclusive service for you to bring your employees greater peace of mind at the end of their career.

The voice of an expert

France’s PACTE Law (Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation) & retirement savings: how can companies make sure their systems toe the line?

As of the 1st of April 2020, companies may no longer subscribe to “Article 83” or “PERCO” supplementary pension schemes for their employees. Only the new PER retirement savings plans, who benefit from the full range of possibilities and benefits of the PACTE Law, may be set up for employees. To transform your pre-existing schemes, inform your employees of the new provisions and arrange for their savings to be transferred to the new schemes, our experts provide guidance and support with the set-up, regulatory compliance and monitoring of your new schemes.

What you need to know:

The PERCO collective retirement savings plan is open to all company employees, with no obligation to subscribe, though there may be a mandatory seniority condition (three months maximum)

  • All companies can offer their employees a PER, even if they have not set up a company savings plan (or PEE in French).
  • It can be set up at your initiative or by agreement with the employee representatives (when there is at least one union representative or a social and economic committee (CSE) in the company, a prior negotiation with the rep or the committee is required).
  • Membership is optional, but the regulations may stipulate the automatic membership of all employees.

The Mandatory Company PER is a savings plan open to all of a company’s employees or restricted to certain categories of employee. The employees concerned are obliged to subscribe.

  • It can be created at your initiative or by ratification of an agreement with the majority of the employees or by a collective agreement.
  • The company must inform the employees concerned that their membership of the plan is mandatory; it must also give them a copy of the regulations governing the Mandatory PER.
  • The retirement savings approach offered by the company must be suited not only to the employees but also to the defined HR policy.

Our experts can guide you with this because, when managed from a wide-angled view, it gives your company the image of caring about its employees and fulfilling its role in society.


Meet our expert

Philippe Gibeaux

Pension Plan Director

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