
Protect your employees and manage your employee benefits

Verlingue guides your choice of mandatory, recommended and voluntary cover and brings you solutions that meet both your expectations and those of your employees.

In short

Employee benefits for staff: a growing challenge for companies

Between the PACTE Law, the French Social Security system and the pandemic, your responsibilities with regard to your employees’ benefits are constantly changing. Verlingue is your partner here, by your side to examine and implement the employee benefits solutions best suited to your situation and priorities.

Verlingue has negotiated premiums to the value of
in corporate risk and employee benefits.
companies have benefited from Verlingue’s guidance and support (consulting, negotiation and management of insurance programmes).
31% of GDP
is the sum that France devotes to employee benefits.
In 2020, a total of
209,2 billion euros,
or 9.1% of GDP, was spent on medical care and equipment. This expenditure represents an average of 3,109 euros per person.
DREES, France’s research, studies, evaluation and statistics department

Our solutions

Given the French social security system’s continuing withdrawal, the company is becoming a fully-fledged stakeholder in supplementary health insurance, and effectively covering its employees’ healthcare expenses.
Personal protection
The purpose of group life insurance is to provide your employees with protection against the vagaries of life, in the event of accident or illness. In particular, group life insurance makes it possible to compensate for loss of income and thus maintain the employee’s standard of living or that of their family.
Retirement planning
France’s PACTE Law redrew the map of employee savings schemes by launching the PER retirement savings plans. These schemes – the collective PER and the mandatory PER – gave employees a not inconsiderable tax break and income supplement on retiring.
Business travel insurance
For regular or occasional business trips in France or abroad, or when employees are travelling abroad for their work, Verlingue provides the guidance and support you need to protect your employees whatever the circumstances.
Verlingue supports your company’s international development. Supported by a specific team of experts in our subsidiaries in the UK, Switzerland and Portugal, as well as by the international network of WBN brokers, we help you build and optimise your international insurance programme.
Absenteeism and prevention
France’s PACTE Law redrew the map of employee savings schemes by launching the PER retirement savings plans. These schemes – the collective PER and the mandatory PER – gave employees a not inconsiderable tax break and income supplement on retiring.
Accidents at work and occupational diseases
Occupational accidents and occupational diseases pose three challenges for a company: how to prevent them, finance them, and track and manage them. Verlingue’s experts can advise you about how to fulfill your obligations and stay within your budget.

Verlingue accompanies you


An optimised, perfectly controlled offer

After analysing your needs and your organisation, our consultants work with you to design a tailored solution that factors in the latest regulatory changes. They provide day-to-day support and guidance with setting up, monitoring and managing your employee benefits contracts and programmes.


The best protection for your employees

Verlingue works in partnership with all of the insurance partners. This means that, depending on the specific features of your business and your objectives, we offer you not only the best welfare cover but also prevention, an essential asset for protecting your teams and your operations.


Working closely with your HR teams

Our consultants advise your HR teams to help them make the best decisions and efficiently lead your programmes.


Easy@ccess to employee benefits: find your HR indicators and day-to-day management actions online!

Easy@ccess is the only solution of its kind on the market. It was co-constructed with our customers and new features are added regularly. Designed for use by HR senior managers and operational teams, this digital platform provides detailed dashboards of Healthcare Costs and Personal Protection. Simple, streamlined, day-to-day management makes your HR teams’ job easier.


To learn more about Easy@ccess, watch our video clip.

The voice of an expert

When employee benefits become a tool for building your employees’ loyalty

The uncertainty surrounding retirement pensions coupled with the lowering of the Social Security system’s rate for reimbursing medical expenses are having an impact on your employees’ life. Against this background, offering your staff solid welfare cover and a retirement plan becomes a major drawcard for your company.
Seek guidance and support for the choice and establishment of a tailored programme and give your teams the best long-term protection!

Absenteeism and prevention: an economic, strategic and social challenge for companies

38% of employees were absent at least once in 2021… Sophie Tarron, in charge of Actuarial Services and Data at Verlingue, talks about the issues at stake in absenteeism for the company.


Meet our expert

Christophe Hartmann

Head of Employee Benefits

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