L’Opinion special issue on CSR: round-up

Find many experts in the special issue of L’Opinion (31 May 2022) devoted to Corporate Social Responsibility and its governance.
The seven virtues of a responsible company
“Acceleration is on a large scale”, according to Jacques Pommeraud, Executive Vice-President, CIF France & Africa and Government Services at Bureau Veritas. He estimates that half of the sales of this inspection and certification specialist are linked to the theme of the societal (or social) responsibility of organisations, commonly referred to as CSR (…).
Nurturing your “employer brand”, an absolute must
Management corporatism, sexist practices, lack of career management policy? Beware of the consequences on the talent market for companies that have neglected or underestimated their reputation as an employer or that are slow to reform a management culture that is considered outdated. Today’s era requires managers to be efficient decision-makers, coaches and listeners, say the HR experts (…).
Monitoring and prevention: key words in the fight against absenteeism
Once upon a time, sleeping problems, eating disorders and especially addiction were never spoken about in the office.
Moreover, companies were reluctant to touch on anything private. Since then, employees have clearly demanded comprehensive, long-term support, including their families (…).
Environment: from thinking to doing
Launched in June 2021 at the initiative of the Fondation de la Mer, the “Ocean Approved” community already brings together some twenty flagships and a few powerful clusters in the French economy. A success for the first international label aimed at companies committed to reducing their impact on the oceans (…).
Diversity, gender equality, seniors: beware of name and shame
In ten years, the index of employee confidence in their company has risen by 10 points. This is the good news from the 2021 barometer on equal opportunities in companies, led by Medef and TNS/Kantar. “We can measure the progress made by the growing number of companies that are tackling this complex but controllable issue in an organised and visible way”, says Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux, the spokesperson for the employers’ organisation (…).”
IT security, the new focal point
“Complex, professional, with mixed intentions and in constant flux”. This is the alarming description of the cyber threat given by the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) (…).
Finance is equipped with “impact” tools
Since the Loi Pacte came into force in 2019, French companies have been encouraged to take into consideration the environmental and social issues related to their business. The largest companies are also required to include extra-financial criteria in their annual reports (…).
Localism, a driver of energy conservation
Even a home décor brand with an international profile such as Maisons du Monde claims a genuine strategy of local responsibility. “We are responding to an expectation expressed by our customers and we are seeking to limit our dependence on a single geographical area,” explains Rémi-Pierre Lapprend, CSR Director, Maisons du Monde (…).