Verlingue is the first Carbon Zero broker in Portugal

3 June 2024

Environmental and climate sustainability: a major commitment to our business

Verlingue est le premier courtier Zéro Carbone au Portugal

As part of its commitment to environmental and climate sustainability, Verlingue Portugal has quantified for the first time the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from its activity in Portugal in 2023, to define reduction targets and an action plan for energy neutrality.

Verlingue has also ensured the total sequestration of its GHG emissions in carbon equivalent quantities through the natural regeneration of Portuguese trees (Carvalhal Negral and Pinheiro Bravo) at Quinta da França, located in Covilhã.

The data is available in the 2023 Annual Report, where for the first time there is a chapter dedicated to sustainability.

The GHG emissions generated

The Zero Carbon Certificate

Verlingue Portugal has been awarded the Zero Carbon Certificate by consultancy firm Ponto Verde Serviços, which had already quantified and sequestered the GHG emissions generated during the last event organised by the brokerage firm, on 11th of October 2023.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were accounted for using the general methodology of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol, drawn up by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute, which uses emission factors defined by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adjusted to the Portuguese reality on the basis of data published by official national organisations.

Sofia Melo Mendes

Head of Communication, Marketing and Sustainability in Verlingue Portugal

“As this is a pilot year, it’s not possible to compare the results obtained. However, we intend to continue this work by implementing a monitoring system, allowing for adjustments and a practice of continuous improvement. Our priority is to reduce emissions.”